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Community Garden

Garden plots are available to rent every spring. Gardeners are encouraged to grow vegetables, herbs and flowering plants. If you are interested in renting a plot, please contact us. There is an annual fee of $30.00, $20.00 of which is returned at the end of the season to the renter if the plot is cleaned up.

The benefits of community gardens include:

  • Provide opportunities for individuals and community groups to grow gardens

  • Improve our connection and understanding to the sources of our food

  • Strengthen our neighbourhood connections

  • Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Engage in physical activity, and skill building

It is each gardener’s responsibility to maintain their plot.

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9902 - 102 Avenue


© 2020 by Nampa and District Historical Society

We acknowledge that the Nampa and District Museum rests on the homeland of the many diverse First Nations and Metis people whose ancestors have walked this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to work, live and learn on the traditional territory of Treaty 8.

We are an accredited Alberta Visitor Information Provider

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Thank you to our major funders

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