Record Gazette, 09 Mar 1945
Improvement Districts Amalgamated April 1
Number Reduced from 262 to 61; Only Eight Improvement Districts In Area Smith-Slave Lake-Fort Vermilion
In the interest of increased efficiency in administration and accounting Improvement Districts throughout the province are being amalgamated into larger units according to the latest issue of the Alberta Gazette, a total of 61 such units replacing 262 Improvement Districts as of April 1.
A brief description of the new units in the North Peace River area, together with present Improvement Districts to be included in such units, from east to west as follows:
No. 124: All territory south of Slave Lake from Joussard to Smith I.D.’s 730, 731, 732, 733.
No. 125: Snipe Lake on south to Grouard on north I.D.’s 704, 705, 734, 735, 764, 765, 794.
No. 130: Kathleen to Falher, south of Smokey. I.D.’s 766, 795, 796.
No. 131: All east of the Peace river from Springburn to Three Creeks. I.D.’s 825, 826, 855
No. 138: All unorganized territory north of Grimshaw to the Third Battle River. I.D.’s 886, 887, 916, 946, 947, 977, 978.
No. 139: From west of Last Lake to the British Columbia boundary, north boundary Clear Hills mountains, south boundary Peace River. I.D.’s 859, 888, 889, 919, 920.
*NOTE: These amalgamations formed the boundaries of most of the modern counties in the Peace Country. They are now: No. 130 - MD of Smoky River; No. 131 - Northern Sunrise County; No. 138 - County of Northern Lights; No. 139 - Clear Hills County.
