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BONUS - This Week In History - 15 Jun 1945


Record Gazette, 15 June 1945

Some Indians Restored to Treaty Lists

Follows Report Made to Minister by Judge After Hearings

After having been removed for three years from the list of Indians receiving treaty payment, some of the Indians have been reinstated on the lists, as at the current treaty-paying season. Such action followed hearings by Justice W.A. MacDonald of the Supreme court, last year, and the presentation of a report to the federal minister in charge of the department.

In making the payments to the Indians who were removed from the list the payments for intervening were made at the usual rate of $5 per person.

Duties of the treaty party were increased this year as the members were responsible for registration of Indians for the family allowance payments. Norther Indians will receive these payments in goods, being given the opportunity to name the trader from whom they wish to receive the goods. The vouchers for such goods, as present by the merchants are honoured by the department.

Members of the treaty party, which has completed most of its work in the northern part of the district, are M. McCrimmon, department of Indian affairs Ottawa; Dr. L. J. O'Brien, medical officer, Grande Prarie; W.B. Skead, R.C.M.P., Edmonton; C.C. Anderson, Driftpile.



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