01 June 1945, Record Gazette
RENO, May 30 – The giant picnic at Jackpine school May 25 was a decided success, despite disagreeable weather.
The picnic was opened by a colorful parade up Main street to the sports grounds.
Mr. Day kindle supplied ponies for the pony race and parade.
A large crowd attended the dance in the evening.
Theresa Devost left Tuesday for High Prairie, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Alvin Callin, and be nurse maid to baby Georgette.
Sgt. Major Ralph Craven left Tuesday for Edmonton to meet his wife who is enroute from England.
Friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Bresee to celebrate the occasion of Peggy’s birthday.
Annie Nickanchuck is a patient in the Peace River hospital.
The young men organised their softball club Sunday. Manager is Spot Bjork, Captain is Marshall Beckievich.
Many fires are raging in the district but the first timber fire was reported May 29.
