04 January 1946, Peace River Record Gazette
RENO Jan. 3 – The Christmas tree and concert was quite a success December 20 in Harmon Valley Community Hall, thanks to Mrs. Wilson the children’s supervisor who arranged the concert in less than a week. The children did well with parts in plays and Christmas carols.
Mr and Mrs. M. Whitney celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary December 30. Friends and neighbors visited in the evening and an enjoyable time was spent. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawley, Russell Hawley, Albert Krann, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell, Mrs. A. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Stevens and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hogbin and family.
The flu seems to be making its way around these parts and several families are laid up with the epidemic.
The weather man has brought us cold weather this winter and we are thankful we have plenty of fuel to keep the home fires burning.
We wish to extend our heartiest greetings to the Record Gazette staff and readers for a prosperous New Year.
NAMPA, Dec. 27-Your correspondent sends best wishes for happy holidays and a prosperous New Year from herself and community to the editor and staff of the Record Gazette.
December 22 while returning from Peace River, Albert Krann had a minor car accident. Albert has a painful bruised hand and his car is undergoing repairs. The other five occupants of the car escaped unhurt.
Miss Barbara Craig and little niece, Sandra Tuson are spending the holidays in Edmonton with Sandra’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tuson.
A few neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Ray Hawley on the occasion of her birthday December 21. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, daughters Gladyce and Ivy, Mrs. Dolly Williams and Fred Pexton.
Miss Sheila Craig, Dunstable, Alta. Is spending Christmas week with her parents here.
The demand for Mrs. Williams’s turkeys far exceeds the supply. Raise more next year.
The Fred Haack family will be missed in our midst. We trust Mrs. Haack’s health will be improved in British Columbia, where they now expect to make their home. Good luck folks.
The Logan Sherris family is shortly moving into the house on the Haack farm.
To our neighbors near and far the district would like to say “Happy New Year”.
NAMPA, Jan. 2-Mr and Mrs. George Craig held a party New Year’s. The evening was spent playing bridge. A party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Logan Sherris Thursday when they celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary. There were a few of the guests at the party who were at the wedding supper 18 years ago, including Mr and Mrs. Craig and Tom O’Neil. The party was held at the Howard Hibbards.
#LittlePrairieDistrict #NorthernSunriseCounty #NampaDistrict #NampaAB #HarmonValleyDistrct #HappyNewYear #75yearsago