Record Gazette, 04 May 1945
NAMPA, April 27 – Rev. Wm. Morrison gave a lecture to the Nampa Lone Scouts last Friday. He spoke on signals and knotting.
The roads put a stop to Barbara Craig’s birthday party April 21. Barbara was 16 years old and her friends had planned a surprise party for her. The weather was too much for them, however, and she only had one guest at the party.
Miss Katie Mayouski, formerly of the R.C.A.F. (W.D.) returned to her home here last Saturday from Montana, N.B. [sic.]
Edgar Trembley arrived back at Nampa from Quebec. He will spend the summer here.
NAMPA, April 26 – Cpl. Frank Bell lately wrote to friends here he soon expects to be home from overseas, Frank has been in the hospital with wounds received in France for more than seven months.
Gnr. Russell Hawley, in the convalescent hospital, writes he lately had, a visit with his younger brother, Pte. Richard, overseas. Russell is coming along fine.
It was good to see and welcome Sgt. Major Ralph Craven home. He looks very well and is looking forward to a reunion with his wife coming here from England.
April 10, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kalobaba, Olga, Mat and Walter neighbors from here, left Peace River for Saskatchewan. They are now visiting their married daughter there. We wish them good luck as to their future home at present undecided.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kolobaba area at present staying with William’s brother Alex.
We will be thankful when it stops freezing and weather settles in general so that we can get on the land. Later spring here than for quite a few years.
Glad to know little Ruth Gromlund is home from the hospital.
April 14 Ed. Chapman was caught in the storm while maintain the road. Can’t blame the mud holes on you Mr. Chapman.