05 October 1945, Record Gazette
NAMPA, Sept 28-Folks here are happy once again trying to complete the harvest after two weeks of inclement weather and feel fortunate not to have bad the snow reported in some districts. Chins up, folks, remember that old saying to complete this harvest: “When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you till it seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that’s just the place and the time that the tide will turn.”
Extending a hearty welcome to Alex McConnell on his return home from about four years overseas’ service.
L.A.W. Grace McConnel, R.C.A.F. (W.D.) has been on a visit here to her brothers and sisters of Nampa and Trowsdale districts.
Letter lately received from Russell Hawley states he expects to leave the hospital in Regina, where he has been since his return from overseas, September 29. From there he will be in Calgary whether on furlough or in convalescence is not yet known. Russell says he had a rough tri over, it was great to be back in good old Canada once again and that folks everywhere had treated the boys who returned on the hospital ship wonderfully.
Mrs. Craig, daughter Babs and little granddaughter Sandra Tuson visited the neighborhood the 27th.
RENO, Oct. 3- The old saying “I read it in the paper it must be right” caused lots of arguments here with the changing of the time October 1, children arriving to start school at 7 o’clock and insisting it was 9 because papa said so the ones who came at 10 and were late insisted it was 9. No one knowing what time it was for sure the kids got off scott free right or wrong.
Threshing is once more in full swing with all machines running a race with the weather to see who will win this time. Don’t be an optimist and place your bets on the weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson are staying on the farm for a few days cutting green feed.
Miss Gaby Devost arrived home from McLennan where she has been working for the last month.
Mrs. George Rowe received a fright the other night when the wind blew a tree on to the roof of the house.
Miss Hanson and Miss Dayck attended the teachers’ convention at Fairview this week.
A. Matychuk is doing some repair work on the teacherage.
Jackie Ackerman had the misfortune to upset his load of wheat on the Main street. Was it the geese in the dam or the girl’s getting water at the well.
A number of Reno young folks attended the dance at Nampa Thursday and all report a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Johnson returned on Wednesday’s freight.
Next Monday, October 8, will be observed throughout the nation as a holiday by proclamation of the federal government. All places of business will be closed on this day and mark the first peace-time Thanksgiving day in six years.
Throughout the district churches will hold Thanksgiving services Sunday next, with all ministers extending an invitation to citizens to join in worship.