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This Week In History - 07 Dec 1945


07 December 1945, Peace River Record Gazette


NAMPA, Dec. 4 – The Nampa senior school room is closed because the teacher, A.E. Warren, is in hospital with flu.

Ken Williams, home from overseas to spend leave at his home here, has returned to his unit at Edmonton Tuesday.

A crowd from Nampa attended the dance at Reno Friday of last week.

Pte. Lyle Owen, who arrived home from overseas the 20th of last month, is staying at Jack Coulter’s.

Fred and Johnnie Haak are leaving soon for the coast where Mrs. Haak and the rest of the family are now living. Mr. Haak will return to his farm in the spring but Mrs. Haak’s health won’t stand the climate here.

Jack Coulter was admitted to Peace River Municipal hospital Saturday.

Getting out wood is the big job around Nampa now.

Most of young folks of the district have trap lines out. Barbara Craig is believed to be the leading lady trapper with 17 weasels and Howard Sherris at last count led the boys with 18 weasels.


RENO, Dec. 5 - The dance put on by the school children was attended by a large crowd and was one of the best we have had for some time. The musicians, Mr. and Mrs. Becker, kept the dancers on the go till 5 a.m.

Mrs. Alvin Callen is going to Edmonton Saturday to join her husband, where they will make their home in the future.

The old Reno hall took wings and slid down the road to a new location where it will be used as a Massey-Harris display room.

We are wondering when we are going to start on our community hall, as the lumber should be dry enough to use.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawley returned on Tuesday’s train from Edmonton, stopping at Reno to get their car.

Weasel trapping is the order of the day with young and old taking part and little and big being caught.

Doug Sinclair has a couple of men cutting logs to be sawn into lumber.

Norman Chabot moved to Gay school district to saw firewood.

Mr. and Mrs. Chabot’s daughter and son-in-law left for their home at Morinville on Tuesday’s train after spending a week in the Reno and Lac Magloire districts.

Steve Hawryluk and Jack Ross are busy hauling and sawing wood to keep the town of Reno warm this winter.


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