08 February 1946, Peace River Record Gazette
RENO, Feb. 4- The weather we are having lately is holding up the men who want to start logging. The snow is deep and so soft for them to get the logs. It is many years since we have had a winter like this one, without a January thaw.
H. Woodcock and Mrs. Ruth Woodcock went to Peace River Monday on business.
The Whitney boys are busy preparing their wood sawing outfit.
The whist drive at Whitney’s was postponed for a later date from February 2, owing to the bad weather. It is scheduled for Saturday, February 16, weather permitting. Anyone interested is welcome. It will be for the benefit of Little Prairie Church Fund. We want to get two gates for the burial grounds this spring, so a series of whist drives will be held every two weeks until we get the sum needed.
Mrs. A. Bell celebrated her birthday, Feb 2.
MARINA. Jan. 26- Milton Platts came home Friday. He was on a business trip to Peace River. Milton had the flu but still reports a good time.
Tom Foster took a load of pigs Friday. The trip was long and touch.
John Spangler is visiting the Brettle family. Mr. Spangler was in the army for four years serving overseas. He married an English girl and now will make his home in British Columbia.
Frank Schwerdt came home from Edmonton. He bought pure bred shorthorn cattle. Mr. Schwerdt takes pride in raising…
Our gratitude to volunteer Lois Stranaghan for transcribing the articles for 1946.