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This Week In History - 09 Nov 1945


09 November 1945, Peace River Record Gazette


NAMPA, Nov. 2-After their auction sale of Oct. 16 Ollie and Art Grumlund were honored by a farewell party the following week at the Nampa hall.

Each Grumlund family was presented with a lovely vase and silver flat ware by the ladies of the W.I. as gifts from the neighbourhood. Mr. Hibbard gave the farewell speech and Art and Ollie expressed thanks, The boys left Nama Oct 23 to join their families at Erickson, Manitoba.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craig, Albert krann, granddaughter Sandy, Mrs Dorothy Williams’ sons Bill and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. T. O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce visited with Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawley Sunday, October 21.

Albert Krann has bought a Chevrolet car. More power to you, Albert.

Mrs. D. Williams celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, October 26. Besides Mrs. Williams and Fred at home and Mrs. Williams’ sons, Ken and Bill, home on service leave, guests were the Craig and Hawley families. Mrs. Williams was the recipient of several nice gifts. All enjoyed the delicious chicken supper served by the hostess.

Gnr. Russel Hawley left Nampa, Saturday, October 30, visiting in Edmonton and Banff on his way back to camp.

Sgt. E.E. Williams and Gnr. Kenneth took the train at Reno, October 30, on their way to camp at Calgary.

Frank Bell is home again after getting his discharge from the army.


SPRINGBURN, Nov. 5- Mrs. A. Goulet entertained friends and neighbours at a house party Saturday in honor of her son, Raymond, recently returned from overseas.

Pte. Leo Goulet, of Grouard, is visiting at J. Goulet’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawirko and family have left for their new home at Flash [sic.] Bush, Alta.

Mrs. Dick Hawirko and son are visiting with her mother, Mrs. H. McNeill.


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