Record Gazette, 16 February 1945
NAMPA, Feb 10 – This is to say the district hopes our old neighbors, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs Bert Ackerman, Walter Wanous who are still in the Municipal hospital, are coming along O.K. and will soon be well enough to come home. You are all greatly missed folks.
Mrs. M. Kolebaba has been in Edmonton for the past week. After your personal new addition Mrs. Kolebaba, we will all be trying to get you to smile.
The snowplow was through a part of our roads lately, for which we are grateful.
One of our district ladies lately received a letter of thanks from Metro Tanasichuk, a Nampa boy, now in England. The letter was in reference to cake and cookies received in Metro’s Christmas Nampa community parcel. Appreciation like this is great, for those at home asked to do so little. Metro reports he is fine and trusts we at home are the same. He wishes to express his grateful thanks to the ladies who helped with the Nampa parcels.
Little Ruth Gronland has been ill lately.
Ollie Burgen had trouble with his car coming home from Peace River this past week pulling out the differential.
We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Art Woodcock and family, Riverbend, on the death of their baby daughter.
District shareholders please attend the annual meeting of the Reno Co-op store at Reno Tuesday, February 20, at 2pm.
