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This Week In History - 18 Jan 1946


18 January 1946, Peace River Record Gazette


JUDAH, Jan. 7- Miss Sue Andrews left on Saturday’s train for Calgary after spending Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Andrews.

Gordon Snippa who has been working on the railroad at McLennan, is being transferred to Westlock.

The turkey raffled by the Ena school children for funds for their Christmas Tree, was won by Wm. Green.

Miss Ruth Edelman has returned to Calgary after spending Christmas holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Edelman.

Wm. Green has returned home after several weeks in the Peace River Municipal Hospital.

A Dance was held at the Ena school December 21 when a good time was enjoyed by all.

Bruce Hills, who has been spending Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hills has returned to his studies at the Vermilion School of Agriculture.

George Perkins who is working with the government crew at Meikle River spent Christmas at his home at Judah.

A Social evening was held by the Young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bach, January 3.

Mrs. Floyd Frazier, teacher of the Ena school, spent Christmas at her home at Grimshaw.

Miss Jessie Sewell teacher of Smoky school, spent part of her Christmas vacation in Peace River.

Judah people are recovering from the flu.

Pete Peterson is opening the Judah store, which has been closed since John Diduck moved to his farm in the valley.

Eileen and Joan Felsing, Shirley McRae, Minnie Hills, Ethel Snippa, Norma Troup, Lloyd Bach and Wellington Perkins have returned to high school in Peace River.


NAMPA, Jan. 9- Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford, Reno, were visitors in Nampa Sunday.

The ice harvest is going full blast with Logan Sherris sawing ice for the neighborhood. He has finished cutting on the first hole and moved to the railroad dams.

To be in style at Nampa now it is necessary to have the flu.

Nampa Jan 9- The January Women’s Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. Hibbard.

Mrs. A. Owen was our speaker with “Program Reconstruction” as her topic.

Next Thursday a volunteer group is to do some sewing which is on hand at the home of Mrs. A. Owen.

A committee was named to take charge of the series of whist drives to be held during the next few months. They are to take place in the Community Hall and the proceeds will go towards the Hall Fund.

Mrs. E. Hibbard and Mrs. H. Hibbard are to pack the ditty bag for the month of January.

A social evening will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Owen in the near future.

A delightful lunch was served by our hostess.

The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. J. Bambush ,February 6.


THREE CREEKS, Jan 11. -Gnr. C. G. Callan returned home Saturday after Nearly three years overseas.

H. DeJong is a patient in the hospital, having been admitted last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Surbey and children visited at Callan’s Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. M. Kunstleben and children visited at Callan’s Tuesday afternoon.

Mike and Mary Alexy returned to their home Tuesday for a few days visit.

A meeting was held in the school Thursday night to decide what to do towards building a community hall.

A pie social and dance will be held February 6 to help raise funds for the building.

Emil Langer is papering the teacherage this week.

Pte. C. Bennett is visiting with Surbey’s a few days.

Mrs. Callan and Cecil visited at V. Alms this afternoon.

E. Alm is a patient in the hospital, expecting to undergo an operation this morning.

Our gratitude to volunteer Lois Stranaghan for transcribing the articles for 1946.


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