Record Gazette, 18 May 1945
NAMPA, May 14-The district extends sympathy to the Hawryluk family, in the death of their daughter and sister, Olga in Vancouver.
The body arrived here May 13, with service in All Saints Anglican Church, Canon F.E. Smith officiating, May 13 burial took place in the church yard. The funeral was well attended.
Olga was the oldest of a family of five children. Left to mourn her loss are her mother, father, brother and three sisters.
For the past few years Miss Hawryluk had been employed as cashier in a Vancouver café.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wanous are out at the farm for a few days.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kolibaba, on the birth of a son May 1.
Mrs. P. McBride and son Steward are at present putting in their crop on the farm here.
Wheat seeding throughout the neighbourhood seems to be going quickly in spite of a late spring.
