21 September 1945, Record Gazette
JUDAH, Sept. 17 – Mr. and Mrs. James Millar left Sunday by car for a week’s holiday in Edmonton.
B. Whiting, who has been home on 30-day leave, left on Saturday’s train for Calgary to receive his discharge.
Olive, Richard and Ronald Andrew have moved to the Ena district to attend school. They are occupying Mrs. F. MacRae’s house, one-half mile from school.
Mrs. Jean Frazier, teacher of the Judah school, spent the weekend at her home at Grimshaw.
Corporal Buster Flett left Tuesday for Calgary, where he will get his discharge from the army.
P. Hills, returned home on Saturday’s train from Victoria. He has received his discharge after five years service with the R.C.A.F.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Flett left on Tuesday by tarin [sic.] to visit Mrs. Flett’s parents in High Prairie.
P. Hills and Mr. Tische have moved the cottage owned by Mrs. Alex Ferguson and recently purchased by the Peace River School Division to the Smoky school for a teacherage.
