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This Week In History - 28 Sep 1945


28 September 1945, Record Gazette


HARMON VALLEY, Sept. 22 – The weather man has sure played a trick on all the farmers. Threshing is at a stand-still until we get better weather. Some farms were lucky to get done before the rain came, but the majority are out of luck.

Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Griffith and Mrs. Chas. Nousek and families are back on the farm after an absence of over four years. They say they are glad to be back.

Mrs. B. Nousek’s little son Richard was bitten on the face by a dog. He was taken to Peace River for attention and is progressing favourably.

Harmon Valley school reopened last September 18, with Mrs. O. Wilson correspondence supervisor.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wanous were visiting in the district Sunday.

Mrs. A. Hogbin is on the sick list.

We hope the weather will not be too bad for our next Church service at Little Prairie September 30. If it is fine come everyone for our Harvest thanksgiving.


Nampa, Sept. 23 – Mrs. Gronlund, little son Neil, daughter Ruth left about two weeks ago for Manitoba, where the families of Art and Olie Gronlund expect to make their future home. The district is sorry to lose such good neighbors as the Gronlunds have been. We wish them happiness and success in the future. We trust your parents will soon be well again Mrs. Gronlund and the neighbours here join in sending them our best wishes.

A wire was received by the parents of Gnr [Gunner] Russel Hawley that he had arrived safely September 16 on the “Lady Nelson” at Halifax and was proceeding by hospital train to Calgary. A later wire received September 20 from the services states Russell is hospitalized at Regina. Trust it is only a rest Russell is needing after his long trip home preceeded [sic.] by his recent operation.

After six days of unsettled weather and no signs of weather clearing we will be thankful for good weather once it comes so the harvest can be completed.

A letter was lately received from Mrs. R. Hay, sr., Nanton. Mr. and Mrs. Hay lately had a visit with their son Bob and family ay Swalwell, Alta. Mrs. Hay, keeps in touch with us all through the Record-Gazette and then sends it on to her daughter, Mrs. Carl Trowsdale, in British Columbia former resident here. Mrs. Hay says, it is food to get the news. Yes, it is very nice to keep in touch with old friends. Your letter was appreciated Mrs. Hay. The district’s best wishes to yourself Mr. Hay and family.


RENO, Sept. 26- Mr. Chapman is busy these days smoothing our highways after the rainy weather.

Paul Kuzden is reported to be feeling better. He has been in hospital about two weeks recovering from an injury received while operating his grain separator.

The older school children are anxiously watching all trains for the senior room teacher.

Mrs. Devost spent a few days at High Prairie last week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Callan.

Maurice Devost arrived home from Halifax. He expects to go to Edmonton shortly for his discharge from the navy.

Vila McConnell returned to Reno on Saturday night’s train.

Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair have taken up residence in the old Graueau store, north of the schoolhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were visitors at the Crawford home Sunday.

We hear of many hunting expeditions these days but in most cases the bag comes home empty.

O. Byers was a business visitor to Reno this week.


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